Sunday, 16 October 2011

Audience Research- Questionnaire Results

From our results we found the majority of our audience is female. This implies we have to appeal to a female market by using female actresses as the main characters so that the audience can relate to them. We should also involve subjects that would appeal to the female demotgraphic by using feminine themes such as love, fashion and friendships.

The majority of our results were 15-18 years olds and so we want to make this our target audience. We will try to appeal to them by using actors that are within this age bracket so the audeicne can relate to the characters better and also feature problems or experiences that teenage girls go through during this time, such as first love, social awkwardness and school.

Our biggest result were students and when linking this with our previous result of our audience being between 15-18 this implies she they are in secondary school. This suggests we should use settings that our audeicne will be familiar with like an educational setting of a secondary school, 6th form or college. This works well for our restrictions as students as we are only allowed to film within school grounds.

 The result that was the biggest is the black british, however we don't have an all black cast avaliable and so will have to try and appeal them in another way. For example, we could have a main black british character so they can relate to them, however when talking about what a black audeince will identify with, even though they will be able to relate to them because of skin colour there is a lot more to their cultural idenetities. Therefore we could appeal to them through experiences they go through or are assosiated with such as gangs and possibly make a humourous or mocking comment about that stereotype they hold. We could also play on the stereotype of having the token 'black character' in film and television and possibly play on their food, clothing style and hair issues that stereotypically arise.

As dance music and hip hop is a convention of our genre of a dance themed drama comedy , we will have to use them in our trailer. However, as the biggest result was for R&B among our audience, this implies we wil; have to use this genre to appeal to our audience as music is a big part of our appeal for the movie as well as the dancing and comedy. We could then uses this slower paced music style to possibly exagerate dramatic parts of the trailer in order to infuse an element of comedy.
The highest results was comedy implying that our audience will definatley be interested in our product. However, the other highest results were romance and actoin suggesting we will have to incorporate a romance in the story line and use many dynamic camera angles and techniques to create action pact scenes that will cause excitment in our audience. Drama was placed as one of the lowest results, implying that even though we have to include this in our trailer because it is part of our chosen genre, we should focus on the comedic element. 

Most of our character results were fairly even such as the hero and comedic fool being of equal weight and the bad boy and enthusiast coming second. Instead of featuring just one main actor, we could have multiple main characters in order to utilise all the differe types of characters people relate to most. however, our central character will have to be either a hero or comedic fool, or could have an element of both. This all emphasises the importance we have to plae on our character concepts and design.  

Most of our results said people are attracted to posters because of the actors on display. This suggests we need to pay a lot of attention on the asthetics and look of the characters we film, so that the audience will be attracted to our entire promotional package of a poster, trailer and magazine cover.

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