-We also used an upbeat Hip Hop song which is conventional of dance movies and also a popular genre amongst our audience.
-We used loops, recorded violin playing and then used numerous layering sounds to make the music in our trailer. This was very challenging because we had to create so many different sounds because music is such an important part of our genre.
-However, to keep the comedic aspect of the trailer we incoporated record scratching sounds, an exaggerated voice over and wind/whooshing sound effects to make sure the trailer remains light hearted.
Recording music: We had a violinist come in to help us compose an original song for the ballet scene. This song needed to resemble a classical song such as Fur Elise, but sounded slightly wrong or irritating, to emphasise the comedic aspect of her being a bad ballerina/dancer.
Songs that was the beginning inspiration for our ballet piece
We recorded the song using a microphone and then made it higher pitched on garageband.

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