Saturday 3 December 2011

Final Products

Final Poster

Final Magazine Cover

Final Trailer

How we achieved it on Photoshop

Achieving it on Photoshop


Mistakes and Reshoots

Using Garageband

Using Garage Band

Adding and Manipulating Sound on Garageband

-We used an RnB related, slower version of a swing song to appeal to our audience more.
-We also used an upbeat Hip Hop song which is conventional of dance movies and also a popular genre amongst our audience.

-We used loops, recorded violin playing and then used numerous layering sounds to make the music in our trailer. This was very challenging because we had to create so many different sounds because music is such an important part of our genre.
-However, to keep the comedic aspect of the trailer we incoporated record scratching sounds, an exaggerated voice over and wind/whooshing sound effects to make sure the trailer remains light hearted.

Recording music: We had a violinist come in to help us compose an original song for the ballet scene. This song needed to resemble a classical song such as Fur Elise, but sounded slightly wrong or irritating, to emphasise the comedic aspect of her being a bad ballerina/dancer.

Songs that was the beginning inspiration for our ballet piece

We recorded the song using a microphone and then made it higher pitched on garageband.

Photoshop title sequence graphics

Location Shots

Setting 123

Why we chose the costumes we did

* When we established that are film would be about a Geek how was sick of being bullied and when she found out that there was a street dance competition she decided that the only way to beat the bullies was to become “Street”

* We decided our costumes choices for the Geek by looking on Google images to see what results came up when you type in “Geek outfit” we also used are own perceptions of how a stereotypical “geek” looks like and we wanted to make it as exaggerated as possible because our film is a parody, and parodies tend to be extreme so it can pull fun at the subject as much as possible.

* When we looked up “Geek outfits” on Google, many of the results that came up had similarities, for instance they all wore big black glasses and so we decided to incorporate that into our own Geek’s outfit, we wanted to make it her signature thing she wore that she wore at all times because it’s the accessory that defines who she is.

* We also found that many of them wore bright colours, if you look to the top left hand corner, Katy Perry who is a singer and who is often in the Media for our research we thought it was useful to see what people in the Media think the stereotypical “geek” looks like and use it for our own character and so we decided that our geek we would wear bright colours

* When we had a scene with all the geeks we couldn’t make all there costumes as exaggerated as possible because we had little time to put the whole thing together and so in order for the audience to see that these characters are geeks we decided that they should all wear the big black glasses just like the main geek does.

· Because the film is all about a “geek” who turns “street” so she can get back at the bullies her made her life a misery we had to establish what she would wear when she had turned “street”

· Because we established that we didn’t want her to succeed in becoming “street” she would still wear bright colours the only difference would be that she would wear a hooded zip up jumper which we believe is a common perception that many people think represent the “street” look.

· Furthermore for some of the other minor characters we had to make decisions about their costumes, the girl in our trailer who auditions for our main “nerd” we decided that the fact that she was auditioning with a ballet dance she would wear a leotard as this is a traditional dress for a ballerina.

· We looked up on Google some images of ballerinas so we could get a better idea for her costume.

We wanted our dancer to wear pink as it seemed that when we looked up “ballerina” this was the common colour that they wore, we couldn’t find a pink leotard but instead we got a pink wrap to go around the girl.

Film Schedualing

Filming had to be very carefully schedualled because the actresses we chose have busy scheduals and that because of the filming time being in winter, we had to film during the day, opposed to after school.

We plan to shoot the trailer over two weeks:

1st week:
Monday Period 1,2
- Shooting inside dance poster scenes
- Actress: Alannah
- Equipment: Costumes, Camera, Tracks, Tripod

Thursday Period 3,4
- Shooting outside flips and jumps
-Actress: Alannah, Marcelle
-Equipment: Costumes, Camera, Tripod

Friday Lunch
- Shooting ballet scene
-Actress: Madalen
- Equipment: Costumes, Camera, Tripod

2nd week:
Wednesday Synoptic Day: Period 4, Lunch
-Shooting Swing Dance scene, comedic Swing Dance prep talk, bully laughing scene and final walking scenes
Actress: Madalen, Alannah, Marcelle, Rihanna, Nicola, Qwame, Maria
Equipment: Costumes, Tracks, Camera, Tripod

Magazine Cover Research and Ideas

Magazine Cover Ideas

Actors Ideas

Dance crew members


We chose Madalen, a drama student, to be our 'bad ballerina' and fellow geeky dance crew member because of her versatility. She can look both proud and well reserved but also has a slight crazed look about her, making the transition from her serious character at the beginning of the ballet scene to the rediculous and humorous character she becomes by the end of it. She has the right mix between both these humorous but also proud roles she has to play and so we think she will do a good job at pulling off the scene.


We chose Nicola, a drama student, as one of our geeks because she has a small body frame that can hunch over and resemble a geek/weaker body type. She is also racially ambiguous because of her lighter but still tanned colouring, appealing to a wider audience and also has a good geeky accent.


We needed a stereptypical 'black' character who was going to strongly represent our target audience who are mostly black british. We chose Rihanna because she is very lively and commits to her role as strong stereotype through her pronounication of the script and facial expressions. She has very black british facial features: nose, lips and short black hair, allowing our target audience to relate to the character more. 


We chose Morgan because she tall and actractive but isn't the typical blonde mean girl. Instead of that stereotype, we chose an actress that would appeal more to our mostly black british target audience by using her because of her racial ambiguity. The role she will play, will be very small so we need to create a sense of superiority very quickly. Her tall and skinny figure will give the sense of a model in this quick scene.


Cameo was a back up character that we ended up keeping in the trailer. We had aimed to reshoot the scene where she stands in on as the 'gangster' who shouts at the geek characters to 'get out my endz', his neighbourhood. It was meant to be a he, but we ran out of time to cast another person and so we kept the character as she was covered up. It also linked well with her previous  scenes of pushing the main character onto the floor and later pointing and laughing at her. We originally only wanted to use her hands but ended up using her in the laughing scene to make it seem more intimidating. Her race also helped us to relate to our target audience, as she is black and our target audience are mostly black or mixed raced. She is also darker than our main actress, implying that she has a darker personality and implicitly suggesting she is more villainous. The picture above was taken when characters where in costume about film.

Main character/main geek


We chose Alannah, a drama student, for many reasons. She is racially ambiguous, appealing to a wider audience. She is also in our media group so she would be available when we need her, assuring that our actress will arrive. She already wears glasses and so is used to the manerisms that come with using the prop, and commits to acting the role of a geek, through body posture and translates social awkwardness well. She is also neither skinny or overweight, and has spots, allowing her to authentically represent and appeal to the average teenager, which is our target audience.

Storyboard Final Idea

33. Join the geek to street community on Facebook logo and Myspace logo to keep within our audiences reach of being very online people, especially because our audience young, they are very internet aware and from our results get most of their info about film from online.


-Dancing scene
Main geek: Laura!
Laura: I’ve been dancing since I was four. (Turn around saying to violinist and points) Hit it
-Before swing dance scene
Main geek: We should swing dance?
Lakeisha (may change): What the hell is that?
Second geek: It’s dancing on swings Lakeisha-sha-sha-sha-sha-sha, derr...
-During swing dance scene
Gang member: This is my ends yeah! Run before you get beat bruvs!
-Rain scene
See guys! I told you it’s a cool idea! (Thumps up)
-Whole trailer- Voice over
Talk from the storyboard cards...